A commercial transportation insurance policy can protect you against accidents and theft, covering expenses incurred while your commercial vehicles are in use or parked.
Liability Insurance
Commercial transportation insurance can protect you against accidents that are your fault or the fault of one of your drivers. A liability insurance policy will cover collisions that occur during inclement weather or unsafe driving conditions. This type of insurance will cover the cost of repairing the vehicle that you or one of your drivers is responsible for damaging.
Collision Insurance
Collision insurance is a type of commercial transportation insurance that covers damage to your own vehicles. This coverage protects against body damage and mechanical failures that directly result from an accident. Collision insurance is an optional coverage that a commercial business owner may benefit from. If a business owner relies on the use of commercial vehicles for day-to-day operations, having access to collision insurance will ensure that vehicles can be restored after a motor vehicle accident occurs.
Theft Insurance
The theft of a commercial vehicle or the equipment installed inside a vehicle could devastate a business owner. Having access to theft insurance will minimize the impact of such a loss. This type of coverage will handle costs associated with the loss of a vehicle or its contents.
Westco Insurance LLC: Serving Colorado Springs, CO
Protect the commercial vehicles you use during regular business hours by contacting one of our representatives at Westco Insurance LLC. An agent will schedule a consultation with you to discuss the types of commercial transportation insurance that will benefit you.