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9235 N Union Blvd., Ste. 150 #385
Colorado Springs, CO 80920

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Insurance Blog

How To Keep Your Teen Driver Safe Over the Summer

At Westco Insurance LLC, we know teenagers spend more time driving in the summer than almost any other time of the year. It’s a rite of passage for many teenage boys and girls, a chance to get behind the wheel and feel the freedom of being alone on the road. But while driving is often viewed as a rite of passage for teenagers in Colorado Springs, CO, it can be a dangerous activity for those still learning how to drive.

The 100 Deadliest Days of The Year

The months between May and September see a 26% increase in fatal crashes involving teens compared to the rest of the year. Car crashes are the leading cause of death for teenagers, with the highest rate of crashes.

Over half of all teenager-involved crashes involve distracted driving. Distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention away from the road, such as texting or talking on the phone. However, the number one distraction for teens is other passengers.

How to Keep Your Teen Safe

According to the CDC, there are proven ways to keep your teen safe behind the wheel:

  1. Wear a seatbelt. At least 48% of teens who died in car crashes were not wearing seatbelts. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says seatbelts could cut that number in half.
  2. Avoid drinking and driving. Teens drinking and driving are three times more likely to be involved in a crash.
  3. Avoid driving at night. Most fatal teen accidents occur between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.; this increases significantly on the weekends.
  4. Put down your phone. No call or text is worth putting your life or the lives of others at risk. Additionally, ask your passengers to remain quiet while you’re driving.

No matter how prepared you are, driving is still a risky activity. Protect your teen and your vehicle with appropriate car insurance. Contact Westco Insurance LLC of Colorado Springs, CO today for more information.

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